Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Weekend project, goal reached, lithophanes and promotional paperclips

Perhaps my 2 hour stream burned me out, but I've had a hard time making a new video, asside from an accidental test. And when I did record a new video, I then left my camera with the footage I recorded at the 3D printing meetup I presented at. However, I've got the camera back, I'm editing that footage today, recording another video or two, and it's safe to say I'll be back on the wagon soon.

Meanwhile, dispute the fact that I'm not recoding videos, I've hardly been idle, and neither has my 3D printers.

Now, I have to address my gofundme because I MET MY GOAL less than a month after I announced it on YouTube! It's super clear where my audience is. I'm still waiting for the funds to clear my bank and get to where I can spend them and then I'll probably make another video about the purchase. Thank you to everyone of you who supported.

I'm still in awe of you all's support of me. I feel less like there's me and you guys and more like it's just us, all together, enjoying this ride. And you guys are the best to take this ride with.

A buddy of mine and key contributor to the gofundme campaign was attending a inventor meeting this week and I, while I was chatting with him, whipped up a unique little paperclip with elements that stop at certain levels so that filament can be swapped for a multi colored effect. These little paperclips take only an hour to produce 8 of them, though the multicolor ones do require considerably more monitoring on my part.

I used the same multicolor effect also recently on a reward for our youth group at church. It's definitely something I want to make a video about doing in the near future.

I received a test SLA print from FormLabs and it's super cool. They sent it with supports in tact and I'm really glad they did. There will be a video about this soon.

I'm working on some new unofficially branded lithophanes specifically to appeal to children, boys and girls, to accompany an after school group 3D printing group I'm putting together. I want my nomenclature as the 3D Printing Professor to mean something and teaching 3D printing in my local area seems like a good place to start. So I'm going to give these away on the survey course for kids.

Then there's the commission modeling job that I'm working on.

Then there's the "the Element" I got to test. If it turns out good there'll be a video on that soon.

Also, new baby.

Also, I gotta learn Fusion 360.

So while you haven't heard from me lately, don't worry, I've been super busy with good stuff breaking soon.